Over the years, my professional path has oscillated between community based development, strategic communications, and education, as I sought to find a space that would allow me to tap into all of it. Here's how my career has played out so far:
Since I was a child, multimedia always sat at the core of how I've told stories. Even before I had access to my first camera, I made cameras out of paper and took them out with me to capture moments and memories. I came home and drew snapshots of our outings to museums, the zoo, and everywhere else on paper.
I believe multimedia has the capacity to empower young children worldwide to tell their own stories. To construct their own, situated forms of knowledge. Educational multimedia can also unleash an imaginative side of the brain that inspires creative thought and socioemotional development. It offers an avenue for play.
And infusing play into education can be transformative - both for adults and children. It's why I ground my current learning design work for adults in playful pedagogies. It's especially powerful when learning content includes rigorous research findings. Translating deeply technical content into meaningful, and most importantly playful, learning experiences has been the focus of my work over the last six years.